Monday, February 1, 2010

Update & The Feb 1st Edition of the GF Lifestyle Blog Carnival

Greetings and salutations! Things are going much better on this end, I'm happy to report. Aside from some mild stomach discomfort now and again, removing fructose from my diet has continued to make a huge difference in my ability to function. I'm cooking again - old favorites only. For some reason, experimenting does not appeal to me what-so-ever. Baking is also something I haven't done at all, but I've been thinking about it, so I'm sure I'll want to do it soon.

I have started to switch over to some maternity pants. So much more comfortable! On a tip from a friend at prenatal yoga, I checked out ebay for some deals - they have LOTS of new maternity clothes at great prices. Oh! We have our next ultrasound on February 9th, which is the first opportunity we'll have to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Can't wait!

Looking for some great gluten free recipes, tips, advice, product reviews, and much more? Don't forget to check out the February 1st edition of the Gluten Free Lifestyle Blog Carnival. This month's host is Shirley over at Gluten Free Easily. Stop by and check it out! Want to be a blog carnival host? Just email me at thefoodallergycoach[at]yahoo[dot]com.


  1. I am just so excited for you!

    We have a great roundup this month. :-) Thanks for letting me host such a neat event!


  2. Thank-you for the information.
    I might be interested in hosting a carnival every once in awhile. I have been thinking about doing one for my blog. But I don't think I am quite ready to do that on a regular basis. Every once in awhile would be fun.
    I love your blog. I am a friend of yours on facebook. I am gluten intolerant, sugar and dairy. Making it work.
    Have a wonderful New Year.

  3. Congrats!!! I am thrilled - I have been so remiss in my blog reading (busy with life!) and stopped by to grab a couple of links. I couldn't be happier for you.! Can't wait to read all about it.

  4. So glad I found your blog! Our son has been helped dramatically with all of his food sensitivies/allergies as well as severe and terrible Eczema since he was a baby by taking his probiotics. I just wanted to share this because I really believe now that we saw our son clear up and now that he can eat so many more foods, that these could help so many others. He takes the Vidazorb chewables (actually we all do now) and maybe this could help you too? Anyway - looking forward to more goodies on food allergies, thanks! I have a mom blog on natural allergy free living if you ever want to visit at :)
